Welcome to the Town of Dove Creek
Dove Creek, Colorado is a lifestyle for someone who enjoys a more relaxed pace of life but also wants the excitement of being part of an evolving community. We are a small statuatory town with a population under 750 located in the beautiful Southwest corner of the State. Dove Creek became incorporated July 10, 1939 and is the county seat for Dolores County.
Our mission statement and vision for the future of the Town capture the attitude of our leaders and residents. Our desire is to inspire and sustain a dynamic, innovative and prosperous community through the combined talent of our citizenry.
- Preserve and sustain the elements of our environment
- Expand and diversify water resources
- Support and encourage activities and events
- Maintain a safe community
- Improve infrastructure
- Maximize citizen involvement in achieving our vision
- Maximize and diversify revenue sources
- Ensure growth for its community
- Increase and diversify our economic base
- Improve regional cooperation
What's New
- Town Meetings - Zoom Link
- News Updates
Cortez Journal, San Juan Record and The Pinto Bean
- School District
- Dolores County
- CDOT Road Conditions
- COVID-19 Updates
U.S. Dept. of Treasury Economic Relief Info
Live County Updates from Dove Creek Press
Events Calendar
Violation Notice September 2024

Violation Notice