The Town of Dove Creek requires businesses or any persons operating, conducting or carrying on any trade or profession within Town limits to obtain a business license.
Business License's expire December 31st of the year in which it was issued.
License renewals are due January 1st each year.
To Obtain or Renew a Business License
- Complete and sign the application below.
- Please make checks payable to: Town of Dove Creek
(Please DO NOT include this payment with your water/sanitation bill) - Submit the completed application and fees to:
Town of Dove Creek
314 W HWY 491
Dove Creek, CO 81324
Business License Fee - $30.00 | Renewal Fee - $30.00
Sales Tax Information:
Letter to Businesses of Sales Tax Increase - Effective January 1, 2023
Town of Dove Creek - 3.1% (Increase from 2% to 3.1% Effective January 1, 2023)
State of Colorado - 2.9%
TOTAL = 6%
Colorado Department of Revenue - Taxation Division - Helpful Information
The SUTS (Sales & Use Tax System) is a one stop portal that allows you to do all manner of tasks related to collecting and remitting sales and use tax in an easy, automated and seamless fashion.
The system has the following capabilities:
- Single point of remittance and a uniform remittance form
- Taxability and exemption matrix
- Ability to calculate tax rates on items with differing tax rates in the same jurisdiction
- A record of the history of any changes
Please CLICK HERE to see the new Colorado Dept. of Revenue Sales and Use Tax System
Please contact the Town Office at (970) 677-2255 with any questions.